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Assistive Technology

Where can I find Assistive Technology Resources

Resources Illinois Assistive Technology Program promotes the availability of assistive technology services and programs for people with disabilities throughout Illinois. IATP loans devices and provides assistive technology evaluations (including school-based AT/AAC assessments) for Illinois residents with assistive technology needs. IATP also offers an assistive technology demonstration center at 701 N. Walnut St Springfield, IL 62702.

The ARC of Illinois Assistive Technology Application 
The goal of The Arc of Illinois Assistive Technology Program is to enhance and improve the quality of life for persons with intellectual/developmental disabilities by providing opportunities for individuals to receive technology to help with education, employment, community living and independence.

Assistive Technology Rights for Students (Illinois State Board of Education)

Resources on Assistive Technology (Illinois Department of Human Services)

Assistive Technology in Action 
The Family Center on Technology and Disability (FCTD) and PACER Center invite you to view and share this video to strengthen awareness of AT devices that help individuals with disabilities participate fully in school, at home, and in the community.


Related Documents

Federal Regulations on Assistive Technology at School (PDF, 102KB)

PLUK Family Guide to Assistive Technology

NICHCY checklist for AT in IEP

AIM Basics for Families