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Bridget Brown Self Advocacy Rocks Video Blog

Meet the amazing Bridge Brown. She is an actress, a trainer, and a person-centered planning coach who also serves as an advisory member of the GOING HOME COALITION, The Adult Down Syndrome Center, and The National Catholic Partnership on Disability. Bridget works as a dental health educator and transportation instructor for the PACE bus company.

Bridget redefines the term "inclusion" by being the first person with Down Syndrome to be included in her school district. She graduated in 2005 as a result of this very successful school experience. She helps young adults with disabilities learn how to present at their own IEP meetings, set goals, and speak with self-determination.

Family Matters is so lucky to work with Bridget. Each month Bridget shares her monthly video blog with us and invites guests to discuss empowerment and inclusion. 

To learn more about Bridget and her road to successful inclusion visit her website

Each Month Bridget will share a monthly video vlog about self-advocacy.

Episode one Sharon Costabile

Episode two, "Just a Dollop" https://youtu.bI?si=ObP96A5CqYgl7gxW e/uVUbr4LY30

Episode three, "Point and Shoot" 

Episode four, with special guest Illinois State Representative Nicole La Ha

Springfield Office: 205A-N Stratton Building Springfield, IL   62706 (217) 782-0494 x7820494

District Office: 106 Stephen Street Suite 102 B Lemont, IL  60439 (630) 410-8466

Episode five Barb and Bridget