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Bridget's December Blog

Bridget’s Blog Dec 2023


I wish you all a very happy holiday!   I can’t believe that we are in December, and very soon, it will be 2024. Enjoy your holidays with your family or friends.


In January, we hope to start a video Blog that will be easy for everyone to access from the Family Matters website.


I finished my semester at school last week.  I was excited that I not only passed the class, but I received an A. I also finished my first semester of LEND and looking forward to the next semester. I will be working on my leadership project with the Going Home Coalition.


It was amazing that I was awarded the Hinsdale South High School Hall of Fame in December.

I think it is really great that they have included a person with a disability in the Hall of Fame, and hope it opens doors for others with disabilities at the school


It was an honor to be invited to the Nursing department Christmas party where I work.

I am looking forward to Learning a lot more interesting facts about how to do more inspirational social justice storytelling in LEND.


I wanted to give you an update about the Creative Housing Network that my friends and I are involved with. It is very exciting e because we support people who are thinking of moving into their own place using Home Based Support funding.  It is a difficult transition and challenging, so we are trying to make it simpler and make sure people with disabilities have a full person-centered life.  We are just starting, so I will interview some of the key people in 2024 because you will want to keep up on their fun work.

We are also doing a COMMON GROUND CLUB. This is an inclusive group of friends. Some have disabilities, and some do not. We are starting with an inclusive Improv Theater experience where we will all have fun together. Once those classes are over in spring 2024 we will sit down with everyone and plan more about how we are going to develop the club and move forward to expand the opportunities to others.

I am excited about this because friendships and relationships are the most important thing to me and to many people.  We hope this will transform the lives of people with and without disabilities and maybe create communities that are welcoming and supportive of ALL people of ALL abilities!

Happy Holidays!

Blessings ~ Bridget