I hope your fall has been fun and that I your Thanksgiving was wonderful. I can’t believe that this year has been so amazing.
I am in the home stretch for this college semester, and I have learned a lot. It is flying by. My internship called LEND is wonderful, and I have learned many new things. I especially like the training I received about autism. I learned how they screen children and about the Early childhood education, kids receive. I learned about Autism in young children all the way into adulthood and the programs and interventions that help. We learned a lot about ABA therapy and how controversial it is.
It was very interesting to learn about MCH (Maternal and Child Health ). It is an important federal program and funds many programs, including LEND.
In my co-op class, we learned about disability justice and how it is different from equity and equality. It is more than just accessible features so that people with disabilities can get into buildings. I liked it when we went around the school, measured doorways, and looked at handles to see if they were accessible for people with disabilities to get access to everything.
I was the Keynote speaker with my friend Ashley, at the Illinois Statewide Transition Conference. I had so much fun and learned a lot at this conference.
My friend JJ Huntley works for the state Treasury and is the director of the ABLE accounts. I have an ABLE account, and it allows me to protect some of my earnings.
I also learned about supported decision-making for Self-advocates. It is a great way to help people with disabilities have a productive life and to be a leader in your life.
A young woman with Down syndrome presented, and she told her story and how she is involved in her community. She talked about her hobbies and how she likes doing ancestry, just like me.
A very important breakout session was from the ARC of Illinois. I learned about so many of their resources. I would suggest that you check out the ARC website. They believe people with disabilities should be full participants in community life and offer families and individuals the information, resources, family support, and training needed to reach their goals.
They have a
· Resource Toolbox
· Fact Sheets from The Arc of IL in English and Spanish
· Assistive Technology Funding
· Financial Assistance to Attend Trainings/Conferences
I would recommend that you go to the website and take a look at Assistive Technology, Family to Family Health Information, Ligas Family Advocacy, Illinois Life Span, Family Transition, Training, Stipends, Family Support, Training and Education.
Enjoy the winter season!
Dwell in the Possibilities ~
Bridget Brown